Sunday, May 24, 2009

So my feet are cramping like Eagle Talons

Hey Everyone

So yesterday was the amazing race with the church.We raised in all just shy of 10000 and over 8000 pds of food.Well the day started by me picking up Jason and Kristine from there home and then off to the church.We made final attempt to collect some more food.And we successful.We then headed off to the church to find Brian and get our food weighed in.We were in big shock one team had 2 trucks full of food.Over 2600 pds to be exact.I was blown away.Then we went to timmys for some team strategy.I also gave everyone their pair of glasses to wear at the dinner.It was a big hit.Then 11 am rolled around and it was time for sign in and team picture time.We met some great people while waiting in line.It was then the trash talking started.Hehehehe.Then high noon rolled around and it was time for the game to start.We got the rules and then our 1 st clue via video from Bill.The answer was one word female clue were bangles and queen.So you get Cleopatra.And we were off.Then clue number 2 was the killer for us.Which was we needed to find Charles and Dailey together and where there is a promanade.Then we realized it was Charles daily Park.So switching course we went in search of it.One there 2 people had to hit the water and 2 had to build.Kristine was in the water right away her hubby Jay was right behind her.Brian and I had the task to build it.But it all worked out.Then it was off to this church and the armory.Where we had to some tactical moves.Lift tires and slide on our elbows and slide across the floor on our stomachs.Then some drills.Then we waited and waited and waited.For the next leg which is where I had my personal moment.I got do some fireperson training.I had to suit up and then run over and use the hose to shoot water at this giant tub and walk along pushing across this line that was like 50 feet away.Then I had to make sure that I shut the water off or I was delayed.Which didn't matter because we were in last place then I had to drag a 120 pd person about 25 feet.With all the gear on still.It was awesome.Then came the worst part of the whole race.We had to listen to this audio cd get to the next place it was very annoying and very dangerous at times.I did get very frusterated with it.But we made and it was this farm where we ran down the steps and the smell came up as you walked down the stairs.Kristine tried to drink the menu cocktail which was cottage cheese,goat cheese,spinach, hot sauce and the kicker chicken hearts.Brian stepped and got the job done in like 10 seconds it was rediculus that he could do that.Then it was off to learn some dance moves by this young Viking Girls cheer leaders. We failed the once and then got it the next time.Then it was off to sign in when my accident happened I was backing out to move the car closer to the second part of the challenge .And bang I hit this parked car.Luckly there was no damage to mine or their car.We checked in for our madatory 15 min break and then it was off to tug a war.That killed us as well.We lost all 3 times.But we tried.Then it was back on the road to our next destination which was at a dump site that has now a park.We found clues in the park then had to run over to this dock where the clue said you'll be singing there is a hole in my bucket dear liza.So yes there was holy bucket then it was up to the crest of this hill thing and then down again.Then we got our next clues.Peaks indoor climbing wall.We are grateful to Ninan for being home and at computer at the time to give us the exact address.

Then it was back in St.Catharine's to climb.Jason stepped up to do it.He's light and agile and did it with total ease.Then we got the last all though we didn't know it at the time of the clues.It was a arieal shot of some place.Well I for sure didn't know.Then we followed another team and they did adventually lose us we got stuck behind a smart that decieded to slow down after we tried to pass.Well as we finally did figure out where we needed to go.We got the call saying come back it's time to eat dinner.So with sadden heart sandy and wet bodies we headed to the farm.We had a nice meal and then it was time to head home.What a great day.

Today at church was alot fun.The service was awesome.Greg once again chose some awesome songs.I also handed out about 30 posters and told people to vote.I am going to try and get it into the bullentin at the church this week.Well thats all for now.I am looking forward to doing the amazing race once again.It was a blast.

Peace out

Heidi "Crash" Joshua

pS my feet were cramping so bad that I had to ask this lady for some tylenol.Yikes

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