Monday, June 22, 2009

Another Day in Pardise

Well Hello Everyone

Well today was a interesting evening.I got a warning call from a friend the day before about something coming today.And it came true.So I am going down swinging at work I guess.It was a extremely long day too.I worked an extra 2 hours due to Grad updo's galore.Of course everyone showed up at the same time and there were only 2 of us on.So it was crazy busy.But I made it through.I also realized today that I need to make some changes about myself that are going to be very hard.One thing is my physical.If I want to have kids I need to bring my weight down.I am looking into another run of some sort and give myself a new goal.I did that in 2007 with my half marathon in NYC.Maybe I will start training for the half marathon once again next year in NYC.And maybe Ninan will come and join me this time.I took my mother and it was such a awesome time.I love traveling with her.She tries anything.Well I have look around for a new goal. And also I just got a new pair of NB running shoes from my wonderful mother in law.Thanks mom.A really nice surprise.Due to I had to retire my other runners.Well thats all for now.I will let you all in on my other things that I need to change in the next while.Well that's she wrote for now.

Peace out

Heidi Joshua

this is me last year doing the 10 km in Mississauga.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Woo hoo I am senior as in 65 posts

Hey Everyone

Wow its once again been awhile since I have written.Well things are going along at home and at work.I am still working towards saving my money for the demo production.I have talked to several border peeps and they tell me that I will have to pay duty at around 200.00.So OM goodness now I have to save more.What am going to do.Well I know the good Lord will take care of me.I am now waiting to hear from Kingdom Bound Ministries to see if I have a spot in the finals.I will let everyone know either way.I hope its a yes.Work has been ok I guess.A bit stressful for sure.That's why tonight I played sims 3 to get my mind untangled.Well thats all for now.I have church tomorrow and need to be bright eyed and bushy tailed.Talk to you all real soon.

Peace out

Heidi Joshua

Ps we just were given 2 pear trees and 2 apple trees for our backyard from Ninan's parents.Really nice of them.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I had forgotten to write

Hey Everyone

I am so sorry that I haven't written in the last few days.Lots of things have happened.Well I came home from BC.But I was delayed almost 2 hours on the run way with no food or drink and then after almost 1 15 mins the ladies came around with water.They also turned off the air too.Due the computer problem they had.It was maddening. But I made it home.Then it was time to work and as of tomorrow it will be my 6th day in a row.But I need the money and I like to work as well.I have some my returning clients come in which is always a plus.I've had some interesting ones as well. Everyone for the most part have been awesome. I got to see Dora and Kelly today which was nice.Kelly is Dalton's mom. Really nice lady.I get to see Dalton tomorrow for a cut.Which will be nice.I haven't seen him in a while. I am going to try and see the movie The Proposal with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds this weekend.It looks way to funny for words.It would be so hard to keep a straight face with Ryan and with Betty White as well. I hope tomorrow is a super busy day.Oh last night I watch Henry Poole was Here. What a neat movie with Luke Wilson.He was awesome once again.Well enough about movies. Thats all for now.

Peace out

Heidi Joshua

Monday, June 8, 2009

Well We are home again

Well Hello Everyone

Well it was a fun filled weekend.My mom and I drove down to Vancouver for an audition and then singing at Broadway. Well the audition went smoothly. It was tons of fun. I met some really nice people in line. So that was really cool. Mom and I had fun using the new Magellan. We named her Maggie. She has a very pleasant voice and very easy to follow.I told ninan about the gps unit and said that is the one we should get. I also got to see Phoebe and Brad and my buddy Ethan. He is super sweet.We also got to see Helen Phoebe's momma. She looked great. We had her plum cake and coffee.It was nice. Then her and my mom fell asleep on the couch and the chair while Ethan had a nap.I went off to van for the audition. I went to a vintage store after I found a really neat pin for Ninan and great 70's / 80 caftan top from the Philippines. Its really pretty with lots of bright colors. Then Phoebe and I tried to watch a movie but then it happened. Phoebe's cat Harley found a skunk and scared under the porch and it sprayed him and all over the porch. Which then went into the house and stunk up the place for hours and made vomit a little.It even got into our clothes.I had a wicked headache and with momma's snoring I actually booted her out of the room. She slept downstairs in the stench. The worst part was phoebe had her open house today. Then it was off to Broadway to church. It was awesome.I got to sing with Jackie, Mark and Jan. It was like old times. Phil also helped me with the song which turned out perfectly. I got to see Jackie, Brodie, Richard, Jonathan, and his wife, Brandon, Georgia ,Mr and Mrs. James, Carey ,Mr and Mrs. Horban, Marnie and her girls she is married to Mark, Darren and so many others.It was super awesome to be back once again.I hope to do it everytime that I am in town. Then  it was off to Kelowna.We stopped to see Phoebe and Ethan at the Mc Donald's that was by her mom's place and on the way home.To have some lunch and hangout a bit longer. It was nice and hard for me to go. I miss her. I have known her the longest. She has stuck by me and I will always stick by her. We took lots of pictures on the way home off all the mountains and rock formations and anything else we thought was picture worthy.Well thats all for now.

Peace out

Heidi Joshua

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Honey I am here

Well Hello everyone

I am here in BC once again. The flight was awesome.I met again some really awesome people.I gave out about 30-40 slips for people to vote.So I am hoping they will. Then my daddy was to pick me up at the airport. We skipped over to Karl and Vanessa's house to her and the kids that were home. I hung out with Shannah and Kate and also got to meet Raine. What a doll. Then we headed back to mom and dads to get unloaded.I then had a wonderful cat nap. Then it was off to see Josh and see him play in his soccer game.He did super awesome. He got tripped really bad and also got slight case of heat exhaustion. Then Karl and I hung out and watched the movie He's just not that into you. It was definitely funny in parts. And strange in others. But overall a good rental. I am glad I waited till it was a rental. Tomorrow I am going to see UP once again but this time with Josh for his birthday. It should be awesome.I can't wait to see the short movie again. I loved it. Well thats all for now.I get to see Erin tomorrow at Karaoke at Freddy's and see the usual suspects as well. Have a great day tomorrow.

Peace out 

Heidi Joshua

Monday, June 1, 2009

Wow it's June 1 st already

Hey everyone

So only 2 more sleeps till I am at my parents place.I am really happy to see and hang out with my parents.And see the kids.Dad is taking me out on the boat first thing when I get there.So thats awesome.I haven't been on it yet.I love going on boats.We are also going to head off to Van on Saturday.And I get to sing at Broadway.Pretty sweet deal.I had a great day at the salon.I colored my hair once again.To try and get it a nice all over color.I am hoping that it finally worked.I watch the bachelorette tonight.There are 2 guys on their trying to get something out of the show.Once is Wes.Hes a wannabe country singer.He stinks.And the other is Juan that guy is as real as a rubber bill.Hes is so fake.But hey it makes for great tv.Well thats about it for now.I am busy tomorrow.Sam is coming in for a cut and Gert is coming in for a perm and Margaret is coming for her treatment once again.And I find out my test results.Little nervous about that.Then its one more night till Kelowna.I am looking forward to the sun and getting some rays.Hope I don't burn.

Peace out

Heidi Joshua

This was at dinner with Karl at Johnny Rocco's in Niagara Falls