Monday, June 8, 2009

Well We are home again

Well Hello Everyone

Well it was a fun filled weekend.My mom and I drove down to Vancouver for an audition and then singing at Broadway. Well the audition went smoothly. It was tons of fun. I met some really nice people in line. So that was really cool. Mom and I had fun using the new Magellan. We named her Maggie. She has a very pleasant voice and very easy to follow.I told ninan about the gps unit and said that is the one we should get. I also got to see Phoebe and Brad and my buddy Ethan. He is super sweet.We also got to see Helen Phoebe's momma. She looked great. We had her plum cake and coffee.It was nice. Then her and my mom fell asleep on the couch and the chair while Ethan had a nap.I went off to van for the audition. I went to a vintage store after I found a really neat pin for Ninan and great 70's / 80 caftan top from the Philippines. Its really pretty with lots of bright colors. Then Phoebe and I tried to watch a movie but then it happened. Phoebe's cat Harley found a skunk and scared under the porch and it sprayed him and all over the porch. Which then went into the house and stunk up the place for hours and made vomit a little.It even got into our clothes.I had a wicked headache and with momma's snoring I actually booted her out of the room. She slept downstairs in the stench. The worst part was phoebe had her open house today. Then it was off to Broadway to church. It was awesome.I got to sing with Jackie, Mark and Jan. It was like old times. Phil also helped me with the song which turned out perfectly. I got to see Jackie, Brodie, Richard, Jonathan, and his wife, Brandon, Georgia ,Mr and Mrs. James, Carey ,Mr and Mrs. Horban, Marnie and her girls she is married to Mark, Darren and so many others.It was super awesome to be back once again.I hope to do it everytime that I am in town. Then  it was off to Kelowna.We stopped to see Phoebe and Ethan at the Mc Donald's that was by her mom's place and on the way home.To have some lunch and hangout a bit longer. It was nice and hard for me to go. I miss her. I have known her the longest. She has stuck by me and I will always stick by her. We took lots of pictures on the way home off all the mountains and rock formations and anything else we thought was picture worthy.Well thats all for now.

Peace out

Heidi Joshua

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